Author: admin


How to Make a Great First Impression With Customers

First contact with any potential customer is absolutely vital. Just like in a job interview, what your customer see’s and interacts with in their first encounter with your brand will dictate whether they explore...


LG 650V Review – LG 50LB650V Smart 3D TV

Sitting on the TV Unit through the years at various Mr Exclusive pads has been a very faithful Samsung 32″ HD Ready TV with standard Freeview built in. Recently with the move to a...


Seat Exeo Review

Seat Exeo Review We’ve got our hands on one of these, as well….we own it. After a good look around for a new motor after all the cars we’ve owned, this was amazing. The...


Peugeot 208 Review

The Peugeot 208 has been hyped up as being the new Peugeot 205. We know of the fondness that people find in the 205 and the nostalgia of a better era however, today is...


VW Passat Review – Used Car Review

So here it is, another used car review. We got our hands on a 2005 ’55 Plate VW Passat 1.9TDi SE (105). I’ve personally always like the look of this shape VW Passat, they...


Logitech Z906 Review

You hear nondescript whispers over in the corner, then all of sudden, the roar of an engine whooshes past your right whilst gunfire bounces around the room. I guess you just got surround sound....


TopGear Live Review

What an event! This is the first time we have been to Top Gear Live. Formally MPH, TopGear have taken over the NEC and ExCeL for in total, 6 days of car madness. Two...


Citroen DS5 Review – Bonkers, We want one!

Now that the DS5 has been premiered to the general public at Top Gear Live 2011, it’s time we gave you our verdict, don’t you think? Our first look The Citroen DS5 completes the...